Friday, June 19, 2009

Today's News Updates

Rio's Indian Deal is a Wake-up Call for City Firms.
Times advised that Rio Tinto's decision to recruit Indian lawyers to handle a significant portion of its legal work is a wake-up call to Britain's big law firms. The move will be closely watched by other big companies, some of which spend upwards of £50 million a year on legal costs and have been grumbling for years about whether they get value for money from their outside lawyers.

Significant increase' predicted for legal outsourcing
IP Review On-Line announced that offshore legal support services will see a major increase in their work volumes as they mature. This prediction comes from a new report titled: Legal Services Outsourcing: What Do Law Firms Think? Conducted by business intelligence provider ValueNotes – one of only two quoted sources on legal process outsourcing (LPO) market size – the study indicates that law firms are becoming more familiar with the sector as they work to offset costs.

Recession Drives Retailers to Outsourcing posted a story advising that the retail sector is investigating third party suppliers to ease financial pressures. IT and business process outsourcing will become an increasing trend in retail as firms in the sector struggle to survive in the downturn, according to research from analyst Datamonitor. According to Datamonitor retail technology analyst Christine Bardwell, retail businesses are cutting down on staff and inventory – the two key focus areas for the sector – to mitigate efficiency and cost pressures. “Many retailers are looking to technology and services to help cut the cost of managing inventory, non-critical business processes and store operations,” said Bardwell.

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